经理也是新人。。。region manager 又调到 Johor了。。。
Starting to wonder whether i make the right decision... to give up an interview on Tanashin...
Yun说得对。。。好的工,老板不好; 不好的工,老板又不错... 我觉得我现在是之后的吧!
Whole day been receiving calls from my Region Manager...asking me what have i done...asking me why call HQ before i report to him...asking me how i manage my routine work... asking me why the agents not using the PDAs ....some many questions throw on me and i answer him nothing... nothing....
well, what can i say? telling him i called HQ as to what my manager order? telling him that the agent keep delaying their work and affect my routine work? telling him that the PDAs routing was such a mess that i cant even upload it without error ? telling him that the line and server were so sucks that i can't even log on to it?
- nah... he don't want any excuse... T_T
I really need to improve my English, both in speaking & writing and to learn to realise stress that i face everyday.
Praying hard for a good start for tomorrow...