Since last time i felt that it's really important to keep a planner. As my working life is getting much and much hectic, i tend to be very forgetful. Well, I am quite a choosy person so it took me months since last year to hunt a diary that i like.
Finally, my manager who can't stand with my choosy attitude handed me one....for free of cos...^^
And, this is what i got... i am glad that it fulfilled 80% of what i was aiming for.

I usually set a benchmark for what i want, and for my diary, i want it to be in darker color, so... black was just perfect~

Secondly, a small pocket would be very nice for me to keep some small notes and cards~

Besides that, it must have monthly pages so that i can jot down some important occasions and things to be remember, such as my family and friends' birthdays ~ is nice to have a glance of everything that's going on throughout the month...
since i don't like weekly and daily pages, i am glad again that it comes with many "notes" pages which i can simply fill up the date myself~

And finally, this was the extra credits which i hope that i won't get lost in KL with this Transit System Map with me. I wonder can i find any dairy with a Malacca map with it ....hehe
Anyway, i gonna love my Diary~^^~
Thanks boss~