心血来潮,趁着17 Nov的公共假期和几位朋友到Muar跑跑。
12 点多到-匆匆吃了午餐(其中的叉烧饭朋友没给钱就跑了 >.<)。
到The Store Muar 喝Elephant Bean Coffee (朋友们说没什么特别)
再来有点无聊时,有人介绍到Pantai Leka看鸟.....很好......马上开车去。
- From The Store Muar roundabout, follow Parit Jawa signboard. Drive straight and will go through 5 traffic light. When reaching the 5th traffic light, will see a police station on your left, turn into the road opposite the police station (right side after traffic light). Continue drive straight until you reach a very curve road, turn into that road on the left. After that, 2nd lorong on your left, turn in. Drive straight till the end and you will see a fisherman village - here you are, "Pantai Leka".

wah..how nice ur weekend..not like me..sit at home..1 word can describe..."BORING"..haha
aiya..... u also can go 跑跑的。 This was a sudden trip that i planned.... if not i will also sit at home XD
从你的文字中看的出来,这个trip真的很赶,hehe。。不过还不错,ning ning我和你一样在家。
yun yun...this trip i nearly kena 闪电.... man man cerita to you when we meet...scary man >.<
wah,yun yun got so guai??sit at home woh??
what happened peng peng??
killing cat, but tonight will get to know already..hehe
ning ning, i always guai geh, now you only know..shouldnt shouldnt..
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